Parkinson’s Monthly Updates:

Optimizing Vision in Parkinson’s Disease
Vision is a capability that most of us take for granted. Did you know that ⅔ of the brain’s mass is dedicated to processing visual information?! Take a second and think about it… What activities do you do on a regular basis that don’t involve your vision? Read more to find out!

Parkinson’s and Walking
One of the most common and possibly frustrating signs of PD is the freezing and/or festination (shuffling steps) of one’s walking. Not only are these symptoms incredibly frustrating for the individual, they can lead to instability and increased risk for falls.

Rigidity vs. Bradykinesia?
It is not uncommon for individuals living with Parkinson’s to report feeling stiff and having a hard time moving. These symptoms can be traced back to rigidity (stiffness and/or bradykinesia (slowness of movement). In today’s post we will discuss the similarity and differences between these two hallmark signs of PD.

Ed’s Parkinson’s Journey
“Ultimately, I made a decision. I was going to live my life as though I would live forever, and I was going to live every day like it was my last day.”